Oh hello mom, I can make you a interview? 😅

-Yeah of curse daughter. 😊

Okey the question numer one is... What do you do? 😃

-Mmmm. I'm cooking lunch right now 😁

Yeah I can see, okey let's continue, the question number two is... Where do you work? 👀

-I work in the consulting room as a dentist with my husband. 🙉

I'll tell my friends to stop by if they're interested mom. 😄

-Thank you daughter, that would help me a lot. 😆

You're welcome mom, Do you like job? 😗

-Yeah, I really like my job. 💖

...Really? jajaja. 😝

-Jajaja yeah of curse. 👻💖

Whatever you say, and finally What are you obligations? 😮

- My obligations... mmm... Heal my patients teeth correctly and treat them well. 😌

Thank you very much mom. 😆

-You're welcome daughter. 😉


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