This photo is in my house. I took it at 7:43pm On that Sunday, in the morning , me, my mom and my cousins, traveled to Izcuchaca, we visited the camp in Icuchaca, when we was in Izcuchaca the saw was very beatifull. In the afternoon, my family and me prepared pachamanca, when we was puting the meat and the potatoes, one of my relatives almost feel. When the clock struck the 2pm, me and my two cousins played volleyball, it was very fun. When it was 3pm the pachamanca was ready for eat, when my family serve me, I love the food because it was delicious. In the night, I was very tired, so when the clock struck the 6pm, we returned to ours houses , the travel was very large, we have to expect 2 hours, but when I was in the car my cousin and me were watching TikTok. And finally we arrived to my house, when my mom was watching TV I surprised her with my cart, she was very happy, so for the remember we take a photo.


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